Unraveling the Mystery of Memory Orders: Can I Use Only Memory_order_relaxed When I Don’t Care About Timing?
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Unraveling the Mystery of Memory Orders: Can I Use Only Memory_order_relaxed When I Don’t Care About Timing?

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When venturing into the realm of concurrent programming, one often encounters the concept of memory orders. And, let’s be honest, it can be quite overwhelming. With multiple options available, it’s natural to wonder, “Can I use only memory_order_relaxed when I don’t care about timing?” In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to demystify memory orders and provide you with a clear understanding of when and why memory_order_relaxed is sufficient.

What is Memory_order_relaxed?

Before we dive into the intricacies, let’s start with the basics. Memory_order_relaxed is one of the six memory order specifications in C++11 and later. It’s used to relax the ordering constraints between atomic operations, allowing for more efficient execution. In essence, it tells the compiler that the operation can be reordered with other operations, as long as the atomicity of the operation itself is maintained.

std::atomic<int> x(0);

// ... some code ...

x.store(10, std::memory_order_relaxed);

The Six Memory Orders: A Brief Overview

Understanding the different memory orders is crucial to making informed decisions about when to use memory_order_relaxed. Here’s a brief rundown of the six memory orders:

Memory Order Description
memory_order_relaxed Relaxes ordering constraints, allowing for more efficient execution.
memory_order_release Ensures that all writes before the release operation are visible to other threads.
memory_order_acquire Ensures that all writes visible to the acquiring thread are also visible to other threads.
memory_order_acq_rel Combines the effects of release and acquire operations.
memory_order_consume Used for dependency chains, ensuring that dependent operations are ordered.
memory_order_seq_cst The strongest memory order, ensuring a sequentially consistent execution.

When Can You Use Memory_order_relaxed?

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore scenarios where using memory_order_relaxed is sufficient:

  1. Cache Coherence

    In a uniprocessor system or when using a cache-coherent architecture, memory_order_relaxed is often sufficient. Since the cache is coherent, the compiler can simply execute the operation and propagate the changes to other cores as needed.

  2. Read-Only Operations

    When performing read-only operations, memory_order_relaxed is typically safe. Since no modifications are being made, there’s no need to worry about ordering constraints.

  3. Local Variables

    If you’re working with local variables that aren’t shared between threads, memory_order_relaxed is enough. The operation is confined to the local scope, and ordering constraints don’t come into play.

  4. Independent Operations

    If multiple operations are independent and don’t affect each other’s outcomes, memory_order_relaxed can be used. For instance, incrementing separate counters in different threads.

Pitfalls of Relying Solely on Memory_order_relaxed

While memory_order_relaxed can be useful in certain scenarios, relying solely on it can lead to issues:

  • Loss of Synchronization

    If you use memory_order_relaxed for all operations, you may lose synchronization between threads. This can lead to unexpected behavior, as threads may not see the correct values.

  • Cache Incoherence

    In a multiprocessor system without cache coherence, using memory_order_relaxed can result in cache incoherence. This occurs when different cores have different values for the same variable.

  • out-of-thin-air values

    If not used carefully, memory_order_relaxed can lead to “out-of-thin-air” values, where a thread reads a value that was never written by any thread. This can occur due to the lack of ordering constraints.

Best Practices for Using Memory_order_relaxed

To avoid pitfalls and ensure correct behavior, follow these best practices when using memory_order_relaxed:

  1. Understand the Algorithm

    Ensure you comprehend the algorithm and its requirements. If the algorithm relies on ordering constraints, using memory_order_relaxed may not be sufficient.

  2. Use Memory_order_relaxed with Care

    Avoid using memory_order_relaxed as a default choice. Instead, use it only when you’re confident it’s safe and necessary.

  3. Profile and Test

    Thoroughly profile and test your code to ensure it behaves correctly under different scenarios.

  4. Document Your Assumptions

    Document your assumptions about the memory order and the reasons behind choosing memory_order_relaxed. This helps others understand your code and makes it easier to maintain.


In conclusion, using only memory_order_relaxed when you don’t care about timing can be a viable option in specific scenarios. However, it’s crucial to understand the implications and limitations of this approach. By following best practices and carefully considering the requirements of your algorithm, you can effectively utilize memory_order_relaxed to optimize your code. Remember, a deep understanding of memory orders and their effects is essential to writing efficient and correct concurrent code.

So, the next time you’re tempted to use memory_order_relaxed without a second thought, take a step back and ask yourself: “Am I really sure this is safe?”

Here is the HTML code with 5 Questions and Answers about “Can I use only memory_order_relaxed when I don’t care about timing?” :

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about using memory_order_relaxed when you don’t care about timing.

Is memory_order_relaxed always safe to use when I don’t care about timing?

No, using memory_order_relaxed is not always safe, even when you don’t care about timing. While it may seem harmless, it can lead to unexpected behavior and bugs in your program. This is because relaxed ordering can cause writes to be reordered, leading to inconsistencies in the visibility of shared variables. So, use it with caution and only when you’re absolutely sure it’s safe to do so.

What are the risks of using memory_order_relaxed when I don’t care about timing?

The risks of using memory_order_relaxed when you don’t care about timing include data races, unexpected behavior, and bugs that are hard to reproduce and debug. Additionally, relaxed ordering can also lead to compiler optimizations that further exacerbate the problem, making it even harder to spot the issue.

Can I use memory_order_relaxed for reads and seq_cst for writes?

Yes, using memory_order_relaxed for reads and seq_cst for writes is a good strategy. This approach ensures that writes are properly synchronized, while allowing reads to be optimized for performance. However, be cautious when using this approach, as it can still lead to issues if not used carefully.

Are there any scenarios where memory_order_relaxed is always safe to use?

Yes, there are scenarios where memory_order_relaxed is always safe to use. For example, when working with atomic variables that are not shared between threads, relaxed ordering is perfectly fine. Additionally, some libraries and frameworks may provide guarantees about the safety of using relaxed ordering in specific contexts. However, always verify the documentation and ensure you understand the implications before using relaxed ordering.

How can I ensure that my program is correct when using memory_order_relaxed?

To ensure that your program is correct when using memory_order_relaxed, thoroughly test your code, use debugging tools, and carefully review the documentation of any libraries or frameworks you’re using. Additionally, consider using formal verification tools or consulting with experts in concurrent programming to verify the correctness of your code.